Northwest Regional Network
Did you know that it is the 50th anniverary of the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program? Since the first office opened in 1974, WIC has played a role in positive outcomes for millions of children and their families. I know from personal experience! I was a WIC mom, and the program provided support and nutrition for my family during a difficult time. Here's a friendly nudge - reach out to your local WIC office if you haven't already to see if there are ways you can partner together. If you would like to know more about the WIC program in general and the 50th anniversary, you can go here:
Upcoming MN Health Equity Networks events: We have a Statewide Gathering coming up September 24. The theme is disability justice. And our next NW Regional Gathering will be October 8. Our spotlight is on Options Resource Center for Independent Living and we'll be discussing the barriers for differently-abled people in our communities. Both of these will be online via Webex. For more information and to register, please check out What's Coming Up on this page.
Welcome to the Northwest Health Equity Regional Network Connection platform! This is a place we can use to support our work in health equity: building relationships; supporting existing work and activities that build capacity, and sharing expertise and resources to influence policy, structural, and system changes in order to provide the best health and wellness outcomes for all.
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This is the place to share anything from events to job openings to resources, or even something you have learned and just want to share.
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